Thursday, March 19, 2020

How to Create a Reaction Paper

How to Create a Reaction Paper How to Write a Response Paper The reaction paper is a critical review containing a critical analysis of the analysis and evaluation of a dissertation, a monograph, a scientific article, or any other scientific work. The review is a secondary text, the result of the processing of information contained in the original text. It performs informative and evaluation functions, that is, provides for informing, acquaintance with scientific work, assessment, and reflection in a scientific society of certain knowledge. The feature of this document is the ability to communicate, conduct a dialogue (often imaginary) between the reviewer and the author of the work, the reviewer and the readers. The author of the review can show his or her personal values, he or she acts as an analyst or polemicist, who, with knowledge of the case, evaluates the original document, submits comments, gives advice and recommendations, and initiates a scientific dialogue. Writing such an essay requires study of reaction papers for improving writing skills, as well as the analysis of a scientific article, assessing its strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, determining the relevance of the topic and the scientific novelty of the research results. The Essence of Critical Analysis Critical analysis is an important part of the modern scientific process. For the progress of science, it is critical that the research methods and results are studied in detail in order to decide on the best direction for the development of the future research. If the study was reviewed and accepted for publication, scientists and readers could be sure that the article meets certain standards and the research can be trusted. (Modern science is based mainly on publications in scientific periodicals; therefore, if a scientist publishes an inferior study or makes a mistake in calculations, experiments, or conclusions, it may lead to errors in further research by other scientists). In the process of analyzing the article can become:More reliable. Reviewers may indicate gaps in the authors work, which require more detailed explanation or additional experiments. Easier for perception. If some moments in the work of the author are difficult for the reader to perceive, reviewers may ask to correct them. More useful. Reviewers examine the authors research on the subject matter of their subject area.The Main Stages of Writing a Paper To achieve a successful result, the following steps are required when writing the reaction paper rubrics. Find out which scientific problem the author tries to solve. Keep in mind that a scientific problem is a form of knowledge whose content is something that is not yet known by man. In other words, the scientific problem is the knowledge about ignorance, a question that arises in the process of knowledge and requires an answer. The issue as knowledge of ignorance reflects the negative moment of the problem situation, which indicates the limited cognitive and practical capabilities of the subject in a certain stage of development of cognition. However, it is also a means and method of finding new knowledge. Problems themselves arise either as a result of a collision of the theory with observation, with practical activity or as a result of contradictions in a certain theory. Understand the purpose of the article and set the task of the researcher. Does it answer a scientific problem? Can the author solve it completely or in some aspects? What scientific methods are used by the researcher and for what aspects of research? Is the use of these methods justified; are they suitable for solving a scientific problem? Evaluate the reliability of the sources, the feasibility of their use, and the degree of independence of the provisions caught by the author of the study. In this stage, you will have to work out the bibliographic list of the article, find out the degree of scientific development of the problem and evaluate the contribution of the actor of the article. Write about what is your opinion about the value of the research. Can its results be used in practice? How? Can the findings of the author be the basis for further research? Can the publication be useful to students? Can it be interesting for a wide range of readers? Rules of Reaction Papers Creation After you have received motivated answers to all your questions, start writing a reaction paper. Remember that writing a review requires time. This is a thoughtful review of the text after reading and re-reading several times. First, you should read the text, note the most important moments, re-read it, and then start considering its content and your impressions again. As a special type of text, the reaction paper has certain features. First, like all other scientific papers, it has a specific format. Second, the review contains assessments, positive or negative, but evaluations must be substantiated. Given that the reaction paper contains ratings, they should be submitted in accordance with the rules of communication. Negative evaluations are not allowed to be expressed in a sharp form, without certain evidence. It is not allowed to express negative evaluations to the authors of scientific work but only to the material of the statement. The volume of the reaction paper should be about 700-800 words. The work must contain the title of the document, the authors surname and initials, the publication year, the pages on which the article is posted, the text, which should be presented in an arbitrary form, an analysis and evaluation of the article, a general opinion on the peer-reviewed text, date and surname and initials of the reviewer. Critical Approaches In the process of critical analysis of a scientific article, it is useful to think from the point of view of three different groups of people.Authors. The scientist needs to review the article in the way that he or she would like other reviewers to analyze his or her own work. Suppose the authors do their best to write good quality work, but they need an objective view from the side, help in identifying problems with methods, analyzing, or submitting the material itself. Editor of the scientific journal. For the editor of the magazine, the critically important are the comments on the relevance and scientific novelty of work, which the scientist is reviewing. Editors want to publish only high-quality documents in their magazine. When selecting such documents, the editor needs expert help to determine if research is at an appropriate level within the subject area. Reviewers help editors improve the quality of a publication before they are published in the journal. Readers. The scientist needs to identify places that require clarification or more detailed description so that readers can easily understand the work. As a reviewer, a scientist can save readers time by removing insignificant parts of the article or by correcting mistakes in research.There are several questions to answer before starting work on reaction paper: Is the scientists qualification sufficient? Does the author have enough time to correct the article? It should be remembered that reviewing is an important contribution to science, along with research and teaching, so it is worth devoting enough time and effort to this process. Are there any potential conflicts of interest? The scientist should evaluate the work as clearly and objectively as possible. Potential conflicts of interest include:The reviewer or the author may suffer financially (developing a reviewer is a competing product). The reviewer has strong personal feelings (positive or negative) to one of the authors (for example, a former teacher of the writer). The scientist published articles with one of the authors of the article.Knowing these rules and recommendations, you can create a good critical article (a reaction paper). Your writing skills will improve; it will contribute to your success in college. Try your hand at writing an essay and you will see that this is an interesting and cognitive activity.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Myths About Spanish and the People Who Speak It

Myths About Spanish and the People Who Speak It When many people, especially those in the United States, think of Spanish, they tend to think of mariachis, their favorite Mexican actor and Mexican immigrants. But the Spanish language and its people are far more diverse than the stereotypes suggest. Here we debunk 10 myths about Spanish and the people who speak it: More People Grow up Speaking English Than Speaking Spanish Because English has become a worldwide lingua franca for science, tourism, and business, its easy to forget that English is far surpassed by two other languages in terms of numbers of native speakers. Easily ranking No. 1 is Mandarin Chinese with 897 million native speakers, according to the Ethnologue database. Spanish comes in a distant second with 427 million, but thats well ahead of English with 339 million. One reason English seems more prominent is that its regularly spoken in 106 countries, compared with just 31 countries for Spanish. And English does rank ahead of Spanish when non-native speakers are counted as it is the worlds most common second language. Spanish Is the Language of Latin America The term Latin America traditionally is applied to any of the countries of the Americas where a Romance language is the dominant language. So the most populous country of Latin America - Brazil with more than 200 million residents - has Portuguese, not Spanish, as its official language. Even French-and Creole-speaking Haiti is considered part of Latin American, as is French Guiana. But countries such as Belize (formerly British Honduras, where English is the national language) and Suriname (Dutch) are not. Neither is French-speaking Canada. Even in countries where Spanish is the official language, other languages are common. Indigenous languages such as Quechua and Guarani are widely used in large swaths of South America, and the latter is co-official in Paraguay, where it is spoken even by many who arent of Amerindian heritage. Nearly two dozen languages are spoken in Guatemala, and in Mexico, about 6 percent of people dont speak Spanish as their first language. Native Spanish Speakers Talk Like Speedy Gonzales The Spanish of the cartoon character Speedy Gonzales is an exaggeration of Mexican Spanish, of course, but the truth is that a minority of Spanish speakers have a Mexican accent. The Spanish of Spain and Argentina, to take two examples, doesnt sound like Mexican Spanish- just as U.S. English speakers dont sound like their counterparts in Great Britain or South Africa. Although much of the regional variations in English tend to be with the vowels, in Spanish the variation is in the consonants: In the Caribbean, for example, speakers may tend to distinguish little between the r and the l. In Spain, most people pronounce the soft c with the tongue against the upper teeth rather than the front of the palate. There are substantial variations as well in the rhythm of speech from region to region. The Spanish 'R' Is Difficult to Pronounce Yes, it does take practice to get the trilled r to come naturally, but millions learn it every year. But not all Rs are trilled: You can pronounce the common word pero close to correctly just by sounding out peddo, and mero sounds very much like meadow. In any case, its undoubtedly easier for native English speakers to pronounce the Spanish r than for native Spanish speakers to pronounce the English r. People Who Speak Spanish Are Spanish As a nationality, Spanish refers to people from Spain and only Spain. People who are from Mexico are, well, Mexican; people from Guatemala are Guatemalan; and so on. I wont try to settle here any controversy over how to use terms such as Hispanic and Latino. Suffice it to say that traditionally in Spanish, hispano is used to refer to someone from the Iberian Peninsula, while latino can refer to anyone from a country that speaks a Latin-derived language - and sometimes specifically to people from the Lazio region of Italy. Native Spanish Speakers Have Brown Skin, Brown Eyes and Black Hair In their totality, Spain and the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America are every bit the melting pot of races and ethnicities that the United States is. The societies of Spanish-speaking Latin America descend not only from Spaniards and indigenous Amerindians but also from peoples of Africa, Asia, and non-Spanish Europe. Most of the Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas have a population that is majority mestizo (mixed race). Four countries (Argentina, Chile, Cuba, and Paraguay) are majority white. In Central America, many blacks, usually descendants of slaves, live along the Atlantic coast. Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, and Nicaragua each have a black population of around 10 percent. Peru especially has a large population of Asian ancestry. About 1 million are of Chinese heritage, and thus the abundance of chifas, as Chinese restaurants are known there. One of the former presidents of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, is of Japanese heritage. You Can Form Spanish Nouns Just by Adding 'O' to the English Word This works sometimes: A car in much of Latin America is a carro, a telephone is a telà ©fono, an insect is an insecto, and a secret is a secreto. But try this often and most of the time youll just end up with gibberish. Besides, an a works sometimes too: A jar is a jarra, music is mà ºsica, a family is a familia, and a pirate is a pirata. And, please, dont say No problemo for No problem. Its No hay problema. People Who Speak Spanish Eat Tacos (or Maybe Paella) Yes, tacos are common in Mexico, although it should tell you something that Taco Bell markets itself as U.S.-style fast food in Mexico, not as a Mexican-style chain. And paella is indeed eaten in Spain, although even there its considered something of a regional dish. But these foods arent found everywhere that Spanish is spoken. The fact is every region of the Spanish-speaking world has its own culinary favorites, and not all have crossed international boundaries. Not even the names are the same: Ask for a tortilla in Mexico or Central America, and youre likely to get a sort of pancake or bread made from cornmeal, while in Spain youre likelier to receive an egg omelet, possibly prepared with potatoes and onions. Go to Costa Rica and ask for a casado, and youll get a simple if tasty four-course meal. Ask for the same in Chile, and theyll just wonder why youd want a married man. Spanish Will Take Over English in the United States While the number of native Spanish speakers in the United States is projected to increase to around 40 million by 2020 - up from 10 million in 1980 - studies consistently show that their children will grow up bilingual and that their grandchildren are likely to speak English exclusively. In other words, the level of Spanish speaking is tied more closely to current immigration rates than it is to use of Spanish by those born in the U.S. The descendants of Spanish speakers switch to English as they assimilate just as did those who came to America speaking German, Italian and Chinese. Spanish Is an Official Language in Just Spain and Latin America Of the African territories that were once part of the Spanish Empire, one independent country still uses Spanish. Thats Equatorial Guinea, which gained independence in 1968. One of the smallest countries in Africa, it has around 750,000 residents. About two-thirds of them speak Spanish, while French, Portuguese and indigenous languages also are used.